The Backside – an update
Back in May I posted my plans for the land at the back of our house. I am pleased to say that so far, the plan is coming together!
The scented lawn is also coming together. Due to factors outside my control planting out was significantly delayed and the plants were far too long in modules in my polytunnel. In August the stunted plants were planted out with fingers crossed.

I managed to sow enough seedlings to cover 3/4 of the area, which I am very pleased with.
The smell of the chamomile and creeping thyme as I transplanted them was heavenly, I can’t wait for them to spread and to sit amid the scent on a warm evening.
We have had A LOT of rain throughout August and the baby plants seem to have survived and are already spreading – so my dream may become a reality!

The white clover and radish have taken and are working really well. They are suppressing some of the unwanted weeds, and to be fair are making what looked like a patch of barren earth look lush and green. It proves that things will grow too, so perhaps the soil wasn’t as poor as I thought.
My plan is to keep the green manures growing and mulch round any planted trees and bushes to suppress growth at the planting site.
They have been cut once this summer, and I will allow them to die back over winter and cut regularly throughout next year.
One thought on “The Backside – an update”
I’m Nigel and my wife Mart and I live just over the hill from you at Widdop. We have been restring a house and are finally turning our attention to the small holding. Whilst we have had chickens & ducks for some time now I’ve started turning my attention to growing stuff. I’ve been reading about forest gardens and permaculture in general. Would love to have a chat sometime if that isn’t too much hassle.